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Automate your design with RuleDesigner Configurator

Learn more about RuleDesigner Case Study at ROBATECH AG

#Configurator #CPQ #DesignAutomation #DigitalSales #LowCode

Customer | Robatech AG
Referent | Thomas Hilfiker, Head of PLM and CAD applications
Industry | Industrial adhesive application systems
Main Activity| Industrial adhesive application solutions for various bonding processes, development and production of high quality control systems, application heads, melting and dosing systems.
Challenge| Automating the preparation of quotations to relieve the design department.
Solution |RuleDesigner Configurator

Robatech AG uses RuleDesigner Configurator for design automation

Permanent connections by adhesive application are becoming increasingly popular in industry. Muri in the canton of Aargau is home to one of the world's leading manufacturers of systems for the industrial application of hot and cold glue. Robatech AG faces tough international competition and therefore seeks to exploit every opportunity to increase efficiency. Using RuleDesigner's configuration solution, the company can now automate the creation of quotes with 3D models and drawings without the burden of anyone in the design department.



The Robatech Group is based in Switzerland. Hans Meyer founded the company in 1975 when, as plant engineer, he was tasked with integrating a hot melt unit into a packaging system. However, the costs of the US supplier were clearly beyond his budget. To his surprise, he realised that there was no alternative, so he immediately decided to produce and sell such a solution himself. Today Robatech employs more than 700 people (including partners) and has a worldwide presence with service and sales in 62 countries, a total of 92 countries. Around 220 employees work at the Muri/AG site. The design and development department and the assembly and distribution centre are also located here.

“Robatech has more than 700 employees (including partners) and is present worldwide with service and sales in 62 countries, a total of 92 countries”.


Industrial adhesive application systems for all sectors

The product portfolio has developed far beyond the packaging sector. Glue application systems contribute to almost all areas of daily life. From the packaging and printing industry to the automotive industry, from the building supplies sector to the furniture and wood industry, everyone needs reliable adhesive solutions. Even a spring mattress, again very popular, cannot be produced economically without gluing.

In-depth understanding of processes for all use cases

The Robatech product range is equally wide; variants differ, for example, in the size of the tank content, which varies from 4 to 150 litres, or in the type of adhesive application. In this area in particular, Robatech has in-depth process expertise, geared to the requirements of the application. In addition to bead-shaped adhesive applications, there are also dot-shaped, flat or sprayed forms of application using appropriate applicators.

A multitude of variants as a challenge

This diversity is naturally reflected in the design variants. "We are export-oriented and, as a Swiss company, we have to score points with functionality, modularity and quality in order to survive international competition. At the same time, we make sure that our processes are highly efficient, which is why configurations play an important role for us".

Thomas HilfikerResponsabile delle applicazioni PLM e CAD

Robatech uses the Siemens Solid Edge 3D CAD system on more than 20 workstations in its design department.


Routine Design Activities

In the past, the information provided was limited to standard components. However, as soon as a customer requested special customisations, the sales department had to contact the design department to obtain the corresponding drawings and 3D models. In addition to the waiting time for sales and customers, this procedure involved the use of resources in the design department for routine tasks. Moreover, this additional design work is not strictly related to the success of the sale because, of course, not every enquiry results in a sale


RuleDesigner ‘the designer colleague’

“"We have a wide range of options, especially with regard to spray heads for adhesive application. We often have special requests in the same or a very similar form as a variant. Requests may concern, for example, the simultaneous application of four adhesive drops at a certain distance. In this case, technical research or the creation of a new 3D model with the assignment of the corresponding article numbers, the generation of a simplified 3D model and dimensional drawing with STEP and PDF data exchange formats, as well as a price calculation is required. All this is then incorporated into a specific offer. We wanted to automate this process as much as possible in order to reduce the workload of the design department and shorten the time needed to prepare the offer. Robatech launched a pilot project to enable the sales department to independently create configurations in the Robatech portal and generate all the necessary information for quotations. Although the existing PLM system already offered product configuration options, the integration with the 3D CAD system Solid Edge was not deep enough. Our CAD partner in Switzerland therefore recommended PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH in Germany, which is the exclusive provider of the RuleDesigner PLM solution in the D-A-CH region'. Thomas explainsRuleDesigner is web-based and offers extensive functions for design data management, including PDM, BPM and CPQ, as well as numerous options for process automation. As a 'Platinum Partner of Siemens Digital Industries Software Siemens Expert', PBU CADSysteme GmbH also has extensive experience in Solid Edge.”

Thomas HilfikerResponsabile delle applicazioni PLM e CAD

Web-based interfaces

RuleDesigner’s web-based architecture facilitates the exchange of data between the existing PLM system and the web portal user interface. The data exchange takes place via the REST (Representational State Transfer) interface. It enables communication between the various systems via the HTTP protocol, defining uniform standards for the structure and exchange of data. The RuleDesigner suite was installed at Robatech on a dedicated server as an authoring licence together with Solid Edge. This means that up to eight instances can be called up simultaneously.

Simple, fast, flexible

The configuration was realised in close collaboration with the PBU CAD-Systeme team. Thomas Hilfiker is satisfied with how the project went:

"Abbiamo constatato la profonda conoscenza di PBU CAD-Systeme nel trattare RuleDesigner. Avevamo previsto 20 giorni per l'implementazione, ma siamo riusciti a completare il progetto dopo soli otto giorni.In un confronto diretto con i processi di personalizzazione del nostro sistema PLM esistente, che richiedono l'uso del linguaggio di programmazione Python, ci siamo subito resi conto di quanto la configurazione di RuleDesigner fosse estremamente semplice. Nonostante la nostra familiarità con Python, RuleDesigner è risultato più intuitivo e veloce.In combinazione con l'esperienza di PBU CAD-Systeme, abbiamo fatto progressi sorprendentemente veloci e affidabili. Il progetto ha anche dimostrato quanto PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH sia vicina allo sviluppo di RuleDesigner. I miglioramenti funzionali richiesti sono stati implementati in poche settimane".

Thomas HilfikerResponsabile delle applicazioni PLM e CAD

We had planned 20 days for implementation, but managed to complete the project after only 8 days.


RuleDesigner ‘the designer colleague’

“"We have a wide range of options, especially with regard to spray heads for adhesive application. We often have special requests in the same or a similar form as a variant. Requests may concern, for example, the simultaneous application of four adhesive drops at a certain distance. In this case, technical research or the creation of a new 3D model with the assignment of the corresponding article numbers, the generation of a simplified 3D model and dimensional drawing with STEP and PDF data exchange formats, as well as a price calculation is required.All this is then incorporated into a specific offer. We wanted to automate this process as much as possible in order to reduce the workload of the design department and shorten the time needed to prepare the offer. Robatech launched a pilot project to enable the sales department to independently create configurations in the Robatech portal and generate all the necessary information for quotations. Although the existing PLM system already offered product configuration options, the integration with the 3D CAD system Solid Edge was not deep enough. Our CAD partner in Switzerland therefore recommended PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH in Germany, which is the exclusive provider of the RuleDesigner PLM solution in the D-A-CH region'. Thomas explainsRuleDesigner is web-based and offers extensive functions for design data management, including PDM, BPM and CPQ, as well as numerous options for process automation. As a 'Platinum Partner of Siemens Digital Industries Software Siemens Expert', PBU CADSysteme GmbH also has extensive experience in Solid Edge". ”

Thomas HilfikerResponsabile delle applicazioni PLM e CAD

The “Application Head Configurator” is up and running

The “Applicator Head Configurator” in the Robatech portal has been very well received due to its ease of use.

Users enter the desired parameters for the forming head configuration. The PLM CIM Database system takes care of classifying products and saving models and documents. RuleDesigner defines the classification in the PLM system, generates the 3D models in Solid Edge and saves them in the PLM system.

The Robatech portal accesses the systems and retrieves the corresponding models in the 3D view and the associated STEP and PDF files. The query time for the entire process is about two minutes, without anyone from design or engineering being involved.

Future goals

The configuration of further product families in the Robatech portal is planned for the future. Simplified 3D models will be used for visualisation and the bidding process.

Thomas Hilfiker sees further potential for RuleDesigner: "Our positive experiences with RuleDesigner encouraged us to think about how RuleDesigner itself could take care of the complete modelling in variant design. This would further relieve our design department of routine tasks, allowing us to do what we like to do most: simply develop innovative adhesive systems!"

Thomas HilfikerResponsabile delle applicazioni PLM e CAD


Learn with us how you could use RuleDesigner Configurator for the digital transformation of your company.


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